Tuesday, October 29, 2013


The Xerox 914 was the first successful commercial plain paper #copier which in 1959 revolutionized the document-copying industry.

We've sure come a long way since then...check out some of our state of the art mutlifunctioning printers on our website @ www.buckmasteroffice.com

Monday, October 28, 2013


This is, by far, the friendliest office memo we've ever seen. #kudos #zen
If you're copier is experiencing technical difficulties, please give us a call! www.buckmasteroffice.com

Monday, October 7, 2013

Possessed Printer

We sure hope your Monday is better than this printer's...If your office is ready for a replacement printer or copier, give us a call! (916) 923-0500 or visit our website: http://bit.ly/ZAgboC