Thursday, May 22, 2014

Copier Lease: Know What to Look For

Beware of Unfair Leasing Practices

Just as office supply companies are not all the same, neither are all copier lease contracts. You, as the lessee of office equipment like printers or copiers, should look for a trustworthy lessor. The best way to determine that is of course the business' reputation and years in service, but also by carefully reading the leasing contract. The last thing you want is to get into a contract you did not read carefully enough, and be stuck with endless fees or problems that could have easily been avoided.

Beware of Hidden Costs

In the lessor - lessee contract, make sure you find any costs and obligations mentioned that you are responsible for because once you sign, you will be legally obligated to keep up with your end of the agreement. Unscrupulous office supply lessors will sneak in hidden fees or service charges that you weren't made aware of when told the original lease price of the copier machine. For example, you may have to pay for shipping the copier at the end of the agreement. Be wary also for failure to mention the end of lease date as a bad leasing contract may mention that your lease will be automatically renewed without notice to you.

What to Look for in a Copier Leasing Agreement

A fair lease will clearly outline the costs and obligations of both lessor and lessee. It won't be entirely in the lessor's favor and will note the end date of the agreement. The lease should mention that there will or will not be a notification period in which the lessor will be informed of the end of the lease agreement and it should be clearly stipulated that there will not be an automatic renewal, unless this is what the lessee wants.

In business for over 50 years, Buckmaster Office Solutions has a fair and honest copier lease with clear terms. Buckmaster will also work with you if your copier needs changing within the leasing period, while other companies sometimes won't. Contact Buckmaster Office Solutions about leasing a copier and see what type of options you have for the kinds of copiers your company requires.

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